Vi Unge
➡ ♥♥♥ Link: Marcus & martinus bilder
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Du kan se deres megacute optræden i videoen her: Efter sejren turnerede de rundt i hele Norge og udgav flere singler. And also that we made more grown up music, you can really tell that we have grown, together with the music.
De synes nemlig ikke, der er så stor forskel på danske og norske piger. In November 2016, they released their first English album titled. De første fans stod allerede klar uden for tivoli klokken 5 om morgenen og ventede på at de blev lukket ind, når tivoli åbnede, klokken 11.
Vi Unge - Og vi kan virkelig godt forstå, hvis du er faldet for drengene, for de er jo SÅ søde. My favorite moment of our career have to be the concert we had on Voldsløkka in Oslo, with more than 35.
The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. Jeg savner at jeg tok Martinus i hånda og jeg savner at Marcus så i kameraet mitt. Har lyst til å holde deg i hånda hele tida. Jeg håper dere kan komme tilbake for dette er minner for livet. Jeg tenker på dere hele tiden og jeg er forelsket, og begynner å grine bare ved å se på bilder av dere på telefonen min. Kom tilbake så fort som mulig er dere snille for jeg vil oppleve dette flere ganger, men veldig fornøyd med å komme så nærme scena som jeg var, så skal jeg ikke klage i det hele tatt + at jeg hadde goldencircle billett. Jeg elsker dere utrolig mye og er veldig stolt av dere. I had such a great time in Bergen. The security was so good, they had everything under control. Such a fantastic show and scene. They are the best artist on a stage, live. It was so freaking awesome! It was my second time where I saw them and this time it was even better. I was in second row and it was just magical. I don't even know how to describe it! The First Kiss girl stood right next to me and when Martinus came a little closer, I nearly touched his hand. I would straight away go to another concert of them if they have one nearby. Their career is growing so fast and I'm so damn proud of them. The show was so good organized! Had the best day of my life! Marcus and Martinus were amazing on stage! Always making contact with the public and spreading energy, the hall was maybe a little bit small but it was great! The dancers were incredibly good and the band is lit! Can't be better, I think everyone who get a chance to go to one of their shows should go, it's an amazing experienc bc the boys are so nice in real life. They interacted with the audience and made this day unforgettable for a lot of people. The management of this concert was also very good organized. There was the chance to buy merchandise from mmstore and of course some snacks and drinks. Lots of cool lighting and fireworks. They used the whole stage and really focused on everybody the standing up fans and the sitting fans. The koncert started a bit late than planned because people wasn't ready at the time. But overall a great koncert with lots of energy and fun.